Onsdag 17. april får vi besøk av St. Giles Trust, som er på studiebesøk hos KBT den uken! St. Giles Trust er en organisasjon i Wales som gjennom likepersonsarbeid jobber for å hjelpe mennesker til å få en bedre fremtid!
Her er deres egen beskrivelse av seg selv:
Vision: Inclusive communities where people facing the greatest adversity have a voice and opportunity to realise a positive future.
Lived Experience: St Giles believes that people with first-hand experience of successfully overcoming issues such as an offending background, homelessness, addiction, and abuse hold the key to positive change in others. Our Lived Experience Model enables and encourages those with lived experience of issues such as addiction, experience of the criminal justice system, poor mental health, abuse, homelessness and criminal exploitation to use their direct experience to move forward positively, nurture & support others with authenticity, and inform authentic & innovative service design.
St Giles puts people with lived experience at the heart of what we do, using peer led models to deliver high quality services and provide solutions to building a better futures.
We provide training to our ‘Peer Advisors’ through accredited, industry recognized City & Guilds Level 3 Advice and Guidance (IAG) qualification, providing 1:1 coaching and mentoring whilst they undertake supported volunteer-work placements either at St Giles or across partner organisations in Wales.
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